About Me

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The name is Sarah E. Walsh, I use my work of art as a way to express God's blessings to this world. And God has been my biggest inspiration. Life has brought many things, and throughout all that I have been through I have realized one thing; art has always been my passion and God has never failed to amaze and guide me. I hope that when others see my art their minds are open to see the beauty of this world. One of my favorite things in life it to experience a calm inspiring setting, where I can feel peace, serenity, joy, and happiness. Whether I am driving in my car, with the wind in my hair, or walking along a calm lake where you can hear the stillness of life, I use my camera to capture those pictorial settings. These experiences often spark an inspiration to create art. My interest with different mediums and art styles is constantly expanding. If we slow down, stop, and thoroughly examine all the natural beauty that is around us, we can experience a little more spice to life, hence my blog titled 'Salt to the Earth'.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Funerary Project. What animal do you identify most with?

After studying about acient Egypt, each student in my art history class was asked to create a funery piece using an animal that they identified most with.

The animal that I probably identify the most with is a crane. I think it took me just as long to find the right animal as the piece itself! I got feedback from friends and family and all of these were approved, researched, and/or suggested.
  • Cranes have long necks and long legs (I am pretty tall).
  • I have a freepirit. People have said I can float through crowds freely, and therefore have a bird/water creature presence.
  • I am stronge in my faith and relationship with God, focusing on my eternal spirit.
  • Cranes represent Purity.
  • Chinese believe that cranes are symbles of wisdom and messengers of heaven. (this connects strongly with my beliefs and being Christian.
  • When cranes find their mate, they stick with them for life. That is pretty cool :)
  • Cranes are very friendly and sociable.
  • Cranes are known to live long lives! My family has a long life age history.
  • Crane dances are crazy. I LOVE to dance and can't stop when I start.
  • When I get startled or surprised I squack...

And that about sums it up. :)
There is also a meaning behind this picture. I will leave it at that though for viewer interpretation.

Messenger of Heaven
By: Sarah E. Walsh
Completed Sept. 19th 2011

Mediums: I used a cardboard foundation, drawn with a basic pen, and colored with prisma colored pencils.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

True Romance

BY: Sarah E. Walsh
April 11th 2011

What is ROMANCE?
 I think that the world has put a physical/sexual meaning on the word romance.
What does the word romance mean to me?
To be romanced is to be loved, adored, and cherished.
God's romance for us is beyond any romance any human being can give to us.
Look at all of the beauty that he has given to us; A clear stream flowing through a canopy of tall trees, birds chirping, the sun in your face. The scent of a white tipped pink rose. The cool drops of rain on your face on a warm humid day. Hope and reassurance that there is something to look forward to when all seems hopeless. Comfort when no one else can comfort you... and many more...

"There is none like you among the gods, O LORD, nor are there any works like yours." -Psalms 86:8
*Psalms 86- Great Is Your Steadfast Love

Connect the Dots

Connect the Dots
By: Sarah E. Walsh
April 5th 2011

We were made for each other. Could God really be inexistent? Why are we so dependent upon each other? If there wasn't an all powerful being behind all of this, wouldn't we just be empty?
What makes a plant grow? I am not talking about the structure of a plant and what makes it a plant. There are the things that make up a plant... but what actually makes it grow?
What makes a person laugh, why do we need touch? If a baby doesn't get physical touch, it will eventually die... why is that?  
And the reason behind laugher... happiness, amusement; emotions. What makes us feel? And why DO we need touch? Why do we need relationships?
The only logical reasoning being all of this?
 We were created for each other and to grow in a relationship with our creator together, and to experience all that comes along with it; comfort, laugher, happiness... the complete works that fills that void that once held the question, "What does all of this mean? And why DO we exist?"

"Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation..." -Psalms 25:5

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mineral Water Logos

Final Project for Graphic Design Class. December 17th, 2010

Here are four images that I created using a fine tip pen and watercolor paint. I wanted to create multiple pieces, but have them grouped as a whole. I  wanted to do product labels, and I wanted to incorporate sea creatures; the final idea? Flavored Mineral water labels :)

Final words: I think I may redo Mr. Lemon-Lime fish and possibly Little Mrs. Seahorse.

The End.

By: Sarah E. Walsh

Friday, December 3, 2010

Casual Swirl Font

Designed Nov. 2010 By: Sarah E. Walsh
Casual Swirl Font

Chambers Visit

Last Friday (November 19th, 2010) our Graphic Design I class met at Chambers in Minneapolis on a little field trip/tour.  It was a nice visit. Chambers has art exhibited throughout the hotel building. Some of my favorite were by LOOK UP NAME. She had two pictures hanging up… they appeared to be about  5’x7’ or something close to that. She used OIL OR ACRYLIC, and her paintings looked very realistic. The eyes, details, and shadowing were amazing. Since I am an eye person, the eyes is what really drew me into her paintings. They were amazing!

I walked into a room that Brittany Spears staid in, I thought that was pretty cool. The room was lined with windows and sheik curtains. With experiences, I have realized that windows and the open outside environment gives builds a stronger sense of creativity rather than closed in spaces. Now I know why artists prefer studio apartments and areas with large windows. This is why I believe Chambers has many windows throughout the building and many, many windows in their hotel rooms. Chambers is an art museum, so its all about creating an environment pleasing to the senses. The halls have a calming scent, the lights in the halls give off striped light unto the ceiling due to light coverings, and the bathrooms are just brilliant. The toilets are squarish and the flushers are square buttons. The walls remind me of old school Mario with the red shiny brick walls. The sinks are an odd shape also, but very appealing. Overall, Chambers gave me a curious calm feeling. It was very bright, artsy but very very modern. It was appealing but not as appealing as it could have been. That is due to the fact that I am drawn more to darker, vintage, nature themes, and both original and traditional types of art or environments rather than brighter, simple, and modern… which is what Chambers is. My favorite Art Work were two large oil paintings done by Machiko Edmondson titled Titanium Expose and Flame. These artwork pieces were large scale faces. They were done very well and very detailed. They looked almost real. The artists time and effort showed through their work. Besides this art work, there wasn't really too much art work that captured my attention.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Artist: Kristina Mooney

A piece titled, ‘Untitled’ hung in a small hallway of Anoka-Ramsey Community College in Coon Rapids Minnesota. 
                         Top Image-"Untitled", Bottom Image-Focusing on a part of the piece.

There were other pieces besides that piece…artwork from roughly eight other artists I would say. This piece by Kristina Mooney captured my attention the most.

The piece was done using Ink, Paper, and vellum on paper. I think it captured my attention the most because I, myself am drawn to using ink and paper. There is something simple about it yet intriguing. But it wasn’t just the type of medium used that captured my attention- the more I looked at Kristina Monney’s piece the more I discovered about the piece; hidden creatures and detailed lines that one wouldn’t notice if they quickly scanned their eyes over the piece.  
I looked at some of Kristina Mooney’s other work. She seems to draw a lot of architect and buildings. She lives in Minneapolis, so I feel like she is creating works of images that have made an imprint in her mind of the everyday things that she sees in the city. Her one piece that I am reflecting on is different in the aspect that it doesn’t reflect on the city. It is a piece that shows many trees, a forest. I am not the artist, so this is a wild guess. But I feel like she wanted a change apart from the city. Since the piece doesn’t have a title… it may not have that deep of a meaning. I feel like she just wanted to create an image that was happy and pure in nature and away from manmade things. The image gives an enchanted feeling… and like I mentioned earlier, if you look closely, you discover little creatures. I think they are having fun and basking in this time of running through the woods. The usage of the line patterns of the tree bark is very nice. And she uses a nice contrast of dark and light lines. So in a nutshell, the words or phrases that I would use to describe her “Untitled” piece of art would be:
Enchanted, Forest, Remote from human development

But besides Kristina Mooney's "Untitled", since her work shows a lot of city images, I would describe her work as far from remote of human developement . Infact, I would describe most of her work as:
City life, Architect, Busy
           *I could see Kristina Mooney’s work on a newspaper…. It has similar texture and colors. Therefore, to promote her work I would come up with post-card sized business cards with some of her work on them and somehow incorporate newspaper with the heading of the newspaper listing ‘Kristina Mooney’, with the heading stating a sentence that significantly describes her and then just a small paragraph about her work. What better way to capture the attention of somebody than showing images.  I think it is very important for artists to have their work on flyers, business cards, and etcetera. It would take long, but I would do this by using an old school typewriter and type up the postcard sized ‘Name and info’ on old looking paper to get the newspaper look. Then I would put that unto a thick piece of postcard-like paper and then have small images of some of her work that I would also put in front of the newspaper. Finishing it off I would use ink to write Kristina Mooney’s contact information at the bottom. I think that besides the postcards…. Flyers could also be done this way… as well as scanning the finished information/contact card or flyer and digitally posting it on your facebook page, blog, or whatever social network it is that you use online.